compile INSERT nvc_common_equates //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This program is proprietary and is not to be used by or disclosed to others, nor is it to // be copied without written permission from Envizion Systems Pty Ltd. // // Name : // // Description: define per file common area Using ins guarantees consistency across all data code // // * @package PowerForce // * @author Martin Drenovac (for Envizion Systems Pty Ltd) // * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007 - 2013, Envizion Systems Pty Ltd // * @licence // * @link // * @since Version 1.0 // * @filesource // // History (Date, Initials, Notes) // 04/04/13 mpd Original programmer // 08/04/13 mpd nvc_ EQUATES // 11/04/13 mpd nvc_dont_cache$ - do not cache this table // 17/04/13 mpd cache_started@ - what time was the cache kicked off. Allows aging // // * Date: 2013-04-04 17:34:21 +1000 (Thu, 04 Apr 2013) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set file_id to the TABLE being managed // init@ flag whether initialised // f$f the fileUnit to CRUD // table_name@ 'TABLE_NAME' // id_list@, ropcFh@, read_from_cache@, | // read_from_disk@, missed_from_cache@, missed_from_disk@, null_size_records@, | // dont_cache@, j@, k@, l@(10), m@, n@, o@ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// equ COMMON_PREFIX$ to "%NVC_" comm_Name@ = COMMON_PREFIX$: table_name common //comm_Name@// init@, f$f, table_name@, id_list@, ropcFh@, read_from_cache@, | read_from_disk@, missed_from_cache@, missed_from_disk@, null_size_records@, | dont_cache@, cache_started@, k@, l@(10), m@, n@, o@ // * if Assigned(init@) Else init@ = 0 * * If init@ else * GOSUB zinit: ; // each function has to manage its own * end EQU nvc$create TO "C" EQU nvc$delete TO "D" EQU nvc$dict TO "I" EQU nvc$nocache TO "N" ; // DICT - all other letters taken EQU nvc$read TO "R" EQU nvc$select TO "S" EQU nvc$tos TO "T" EQU nvc$update TO "U" EQU nvc$xlate TO "X" EQU nvc$zap TO "Z" /* * Compile Insert Cache_Mfs_Common * * EQU CREATE_CACHE$ TO 0 * EQU OPEN_CACHE$ TO 1 * EQU CLOSE_CACHE$ TO 2 * EQU CLEAR_CACHE$ TO 3 * EQU READ_CACHE$ TO 4 * EQU WRITE_CACHE$ TO 5 * EQU DELETE_CACHE$ TO 6 * EQU MAX_CACHE_CNT$ to 100 * * EQU CACHE_HANDLE_DELIM$ to \F7\ * Equ CACHE_HANDLE_POS$ To 6 * * declare subroutine rtp65 * * common /cache_mfs_Common/init@,handle_cnt@,names@,file_handles@(max_cache_cnt$),cache_handles@,full_cache_flags@ */